601 research outputs found

    A new technique for measuring gas conversion factors for hydrocarbon mass flowmeters

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    A technique for measuring calibration conversion factors for hydrocarbon mass flowmeters was developed. It was applied to a widely used type of commercial thermal mass flowmeter for hydrocarbon gases. The values of conversion factors for two common hydrocarbons measured using this technique are in good agreement with the empirical values cited by the manufacturer. Similar agreements can be expected for all other hydrocarbons. The technique is based on Nernst theorem for matching the partial pressure of oxygen in the combustion product gases with that in normal air. It is simple, quick and relatively safe--particularly for toxic/poisonous hydrocarbons

    Proposed dynamic phase difference method for the detection of tile debonding from the space shuttle orbiter

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    A noncontracting, semi-global, dynamic technique was developed for detecting loose tiles on the space shuttle orbiter. In laboratory tests on a single tile, the substrate was excited into lateral motion at a constant frequency and amplitude of 2g. The phase relationship between the motions of tile and substrate was examined by noncontacting probes in order to relate the dynamic properties of the tile SIP system to its fatigue history; by a visual technique using a stroboscope and split screen video monitor for practical application in the field. When the substrate is excited at an appropriate frequency (between 30 and 60 Hz), a good tile moves in phase and a loose tile out of phase with the substrate. The out of phase motion is readily observable in the form of a "beat" between the tile and a reference marker on the substrate

    Method and device for determining heats of combustion of gaseous hydrocarbons

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    A method and device is provided for a quick, accurate and on-line determination of heats of combustion of gaseous hydrocarbons. First, the amount of oxygen in the carrier air stream is sensed by an oxygen sensing system. Second, three individual volumetric flow rates of oxygen, carrier stream air, and hydrocrabon test gas are introduced into a burner. The hydrocarbon test gas is fed into the burner at a volumetric flow rate, n, measured by a flowmeter. Third, the amount of oxygen in the resulting combustion products is sensed by an oxygen sensing system. Fourth, the volumetric flow rate of oxygen is adjusted until the amount of oxygen in the combustion product equals the amount of oxygen previously sensed in the carrier air stream. This equalizing volumetric flow rate is m and is measured by a flowmeter. The heat of combustion of the hydrocrabon test gas is then determined from the ratio m/n

    New method for determining heats of combustion of gaseous hydrocarbons

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    As a spin off of a system developed for monitoring and controlling the oxygen concentration in the Langley 8-foot High Temperature Tunnel, a highly accurate on-line technique was developed for determining heats of combustion of natural gas samples. It is based on measuring the ratio m/n, where m is the (volumetric) flowrate of oxygen required to enrich the carrier air in which the test gas flowing at the rate n is burned, such that the mole fraction of oxygen in the combustion product gases equals that in the carrier air. The m/n ratio is directly related to the heats of combustion of the saturated hydrocarbons present in the natural gas. A measurement of the m/n ratio for the test gas can provide a direct means of determination of its heat of combustion by using the calibration graph relating the m/n values for pure saturated hydrocarbons with their heats of combustion. The accuracy of the technique is determine solely by the accuracy with which the flowrates m and n can be measured and is of the order of 2 percent in the present study. The theoretical principles and experimental results are discussed

    Positron lifetime spectroscopy for investigation of thin polymer coatings

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    In the aerospace industry, applications for polymer coatings are increasing. They are now used for thermal control on aerospace structures and for protective insulating layers on optical and microelectronic components. However, the effectiveness of polymer coatings depends strongly on their microstructure and adhesion to the substrates. Currently, no technique exists to adequately monitor the quality of these coatings. We have adapted positron lifetime spectroscopy to investigate the quality of thin coatings. Results of measurements on thin (25-micron) polyurethane coatings on aluminum and steel substrates have been compared with measurements on thicker (0.2-cm) self-standing polyurethane discs. In all cases, we find positron lifetime groups centered around 560 psec, which corresponds to the presence of 0.9-A(exp 3) free-volume cells. However, the number of these free-volume cells in thin coatings is larger than in thick discs. This suggests that some of these cells may be located in the interfacial regions between the coatings and the substrates. These results and their structural implications are discussed in this report

    Analysis of positron lifetime spectra in polymers

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    A new procedure for analyzing multicomponent positron lifetime spectra in polymers was developed. It requires initial estimates of the lifetimes and the intensities of various components, which are readily obtainable by a standard spectrum stripping process. These initial estimates, after convolution with the timing system resolution function, are then used as the inputs for a nonlinear least squares analysis to compute the estimates that conform to a global error minimization criterion. The convolution integral uses the full experimental resolution function, in contrast to the previous studies where analytical approximations of it were utilized. These concepts were incorporated into a generalized Computer Program for Analyzing Positron Lifetime Spectra (PAPLS) in polymers. Its validity was tested using several artificially generated data sets. These data sets were also analyzed using the widely used POSITRONFIT program. In almost all cases, the PAPLS program gives closer fit to the input values. The new procedure was applied to the analysis of several lifetime spectra measured in metal ion containing Epon-828 samples. The results are described

    Development of a contact lens quality monitoring system

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    The quality of contact lens samples depends strongly on their free volume fractions. It is expected that the free volume fraction of the test samples will also impact their attenuation coefficients for soft x rays. Samples with larger free volume fractions should have lower linear attenuation coefficients. Linear attenuation coefficients for Cd-109/Ag-109 x rays have been measured in five contact lens samples. It has been shown that the difference in the linear attenuation coefficients of discs from any given sample are entirely due to the difference in their respective volume fractions. It is therefore concluded that an x ray attenuation measurement system can serve as a quality monitor for contact lens polymers

    Feasibility of a nuclear gauge for fuel quantity measurement aboard aircraft

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    Capacitance fuel gauges have served as the basis for fuel quantity indicating systems in aircraft for several decades. However, there have been persistent reports by the airlines that these gauges often give faulty indications due to microbial growth and other contaminants in the fuel tanks. This report describes the results of a feasibility study of using gamma ray attenuation as the basis for measuring fuel quantity in the tanks. Studies with a weak Am-241 59.5-keV radiation source indicate that it is possible to continuously monitor the fuel quantity in the tanks to an accuracy of better than 1 percent. These measurements also indicate that there are easily measurable differences in the physical properties and resultant attenuation characteristics of JP-4, JP-5, and Jet A fuels. The experimental results, along with a suggested source-detector geometrical configuration are described

    Investigation of microstructural changes in polyetherether-ketone films at cryogenic temperatures by positron lifetime spectroscopy

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    Microstructural changes in Polyetherether-ketone (PEEK) films were investigated in the temperature ranges of 23 to -196 C, using Positron Lifetime Spectroscopy (PLS) technique. It was determined that the total free volume decreases by about 46 percent in amorphous PEEK samples and about 36 percent in semicrystalline PEEK samples when they are cooled down from room temperature to liquid nitrogen (LN2) temperature. If this trend in reduction in free volume with decreasing temperature continues, as expected, it is surmised that PEEK will be able to withstand cooling down to liquid hydrogen (LH2) temperature without any detrimental effect on its diffusivity for liquid hydrogen


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    The Department of Defense supports many military platforms that execute multiple missions simultaneously. Platforms such as watercraft, aircraft, and land convoys support multiple missions over domains such as air and missile defense, anti-submarine warfare, strike operations, fires in support of ground operations, intelligence sensing and reconnaissance. However, major challenges to the human decision-maker exist in allocating these multi-mission resources such as the growth in battle-tempo, scale, and complexity of available platforms. This capstone study seeks to apply systems engineering to analyze the multi-mission resource allocation (MMRA) problem set to further enable artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning tools to aid human decision-makers for initial and dynamic re-planning. To approach this problem, the study characterizes inputs and outputs of a potential MMRA process, then analyzes the scalability and complexity across three unique use cases: directed energy convoy protection, aviation support, and a carrier strike group. The critical findings of these diverse use cases were then assessed for similarities and differences to further understand commonalities for a joint AI-enabled MMRA tool.Civilian, Department of the ArmyCivilian, Department of the ArmyCivilian, Department of the NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited